The first desk here is made to fit into a particular corner, going round a part of the wall that sticks out. The open shelves are designed so that a printer can also be squeezed in to the limited space.
The lawyer’s desk is also oak, this time with a cat’s paw veneer. I am often hesitant about using veneer for a desk top, preferring a solid top which is more hard-wearing, however I’m happy to say the desk is lasting very well.
The next couple of images are details of a desk and some shelving. (They fill a small room, making the whole thing tricky to photograph.) Very observant readers of this site may notice the similarity between this desk and a bar I made. These were for the same customer, who was clearly so pleased with his bar that he wanted me back to make some more furniture to a similar design.
After this are some cupboards and shelves built in to a very irregular space in an old house. The are painted in Farrow and Ball downpipe grey. Initially I was rather unhappy about the colour, but the customer is always right (especially since I’m a little colour-blind), so I painted them just as asked. The result was good – very smart.
Lastly a pedestal desk in cherry, which is a very attractive wood. I also panelled the room it is standing in. The panelling is oak: I consider it very sensible of my customer not to use matching timber for each. Matching can be overdone, and create a rather sterile effect.